Mini Power Orgonite Pyramid

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My Mini power Orgonite Pyramid is an amazing alternative to my mini layered pyramid, especially if you are wanting a more simple style with the same protective energy. This pyramid is a beautiful addition to any home and it makes a great gift for a loved one.

This piece will surely complement any room it is placed. It is handmade and contains the following ingredients:

  • Quartz Crystal
  • Elite Shungite
  • Herkimer Diamonds
  • Selenite
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Copper Shavings
  • Magnetite
  • Atomized Steel
  • Atomized Copper

Mini Power Orgonite Pyramid offers great protection from EMFs and radiation. All the ingredients are of the highest quality, offering the most potent neutralizing energies in the space it is placed. I recommend keeping it in your bedroom while you sleep or in your office space while you are working. You might also consider placing one close to an electronic device, such as computer, TV or microwave. It is not only a powerful protective tool but also offers a beautiful design element for your home. Keep in mind to charge your Orgonite Pyramid in the sun so it can maximise the effect in your home.

Please bare mind that all products are handmade, your patience and support are highly appreciated! Each piece I make is prayed over, blessed, and made with unconditional love and protection energy from Jesus Christ our Lord. ❤️